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Data transmission

This extension only stores your data in local with API provided by the browser, and never sends your data anywhere.

But it supports tools to help you transmits your data.

Export and import

You can export the data to a .json file on the backend page and then import it in other browsers. It should be noted that this operation is more suitable if you are just starting to use a new device or new browser.

Also You can import data exported from other similar extensions, and decide to override or append to local data.

Other extensionFile formatRemark
Webtime Tracker.csv or .json
Web Activity Time Tracker.csv
History Trends Unlimited.tscOnly contains data for visit count

Sync data across clients

This extension does not support services that store data remotely.

Instead, it provides tools to help you sync data into third-party services you trust.

Third-party servicePrerequisites
Github GistGithub access token granting Gist permissions
ObsidianObsidian client with plugin Local REST API for Obsidian installed

If the token is set correctly, you can query the data of other clients on the record page.